Communications advice during COVID-19 outbreak
We are living in monumentally unprecedented times.
With the spread of COVID-19 causing major disruption to businesses, forcing tens of thousands of people to work from home and prompting the prolonged closure of schools, it is vital to maintain clear and efficient communications with your customers and audiences.
We at Team Jago have put together the following advice to support your brand communications.
Be empathetic: This is an incredibly stressful time and your staff and customers will be highly concerned about the safety of their loved ones and about their livelihoods. Set out in very clear terms the steps you are taking to help them and the measures you are putting in place to ensure the highest levels of cleanliness. Ensure your tone is empathetic at all times and be patient with your customers.
Be accurate: The speed of developments during this crisis has been rapid. What may seem like a good message today might not be tomorrow. By staying on top of the latest updates from the Government you can ensure your brand is aligned with the most relevant information.
Anticipate changes in your customers’ needs: With so many people working from home and companies adopting extraordinary measures, the impact on businesses has been significant. Be aware of these changes and offer relevant services or changes in policy which are in line with customers’ evolving needs.
Avoid jargon and get to the point: Speak in very clear and simple terms so people can easily understand you. Your message is important but so too is the way you communicate it to others. Be direct.
Be an expert in your field: Do not add to misinformation by offering advice in areas you are not qualified in, especially medical advice at this time. Instead stick to your area of expertise and share relevant, informative and expert information.
Be aware of media needs: Newspapers’ paginations have been reduced therefore their content is now highly focussed on public health information. However, news outlets have reported huge surges in online engagement. It may be that your information is useful and best communicated via a newspaper’s website where the audience could be significantly wider.
Spread some good news: Newspapers are turning their focus to reporting on how communities are standing together and showing solidarity during the COVID-19 outbreak. If you have a good news story, then share it – the world certainly needs some good news.
Respond quickly: Customers expect 24/7 connections with brands especially on social media. Ensure your social media channels are monitored at all times so you can respond effectively to all requests or questions. Also ensure those who are responding are on message with your company’s ethos.
Jago Communications has significant experience in brand communications during times of crisis. If you would like to discuss your approach or need some advice, give us a call.
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